We have fun playing trains!
About Us
BSGR has no set rules, officers, dues and meeting schedules at the present time. Winter and inclement weather months will find members meeting to discuss projects, help one another with problems or answer questions, and may even enjoy a train-related video from time to time. It is expected that work clinics will also be held, to work on equipment or actually build items to take and place on their layout. Snacks and drinks are the norm, and the host will be responsible for inviting attendees to their house or find a suitable l location for the meeting. Summer and good weather months will find everyone outside running trains.
If you are interested in learning more about trains in the garden, don’t have a railroad at this time but would like to build one, or would like information on the trains and their accessories, please contact Dave Hawk at 330-896-9340 or by e-mail at dave.bsgr@sbcglobal.net, or Mark Gilger at 330-658-5035 or by e-mail at mgilger@charter.net. Members have talents and experiences in just about every phase of garden railroading and would be willing to help in whatever way they can.